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Google Keyword Suggestion

What better way is there to find what are the best keywords for you to target your website / blog or page to if not to ask the search engines leader, Google.

Google keyword suggestion was originally intended to help their advertisers choosing keywords according to:

  1. Advertiser Competition 
  2. Last Month Traffic
  3. Avarage Traffic per month

What makes this tool most comftorable is the fact that you can see not only the traffic bar filled by Google, but also the advertisers competition which gives you an idea of how hard it is to get a good ranking or how expensive it’s going to be compete for this search term.

Another feature that makes this tool very unique and very useful in SEO terms is the Site-Related Keywords Feature which allows you to find keywords according to a url you choose.

Doing this check will give you an idea of what you’re competition is after and also it can teach you how google looks at pages and check their keyword density.

You can find this tool at your google adwords account or at this address:

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the first and most important part in the Search Engine Optimization tasks.

Choosing the keywords that would be the base of your websites pages will make all the difference in your future ranking and traffic.

Keywords must reflect the content of your website and the target of your traffic.

When considering keywords you should change your prespective from a webmaster to a user and think about what you’re searching for.

For example as a webmaster I’ve chosen the keyword: SEO Compare for this website while if I was a user keywords I would be looking for were probably: “seo tools comparisons”, “seo comparisons” and more phrases that might be search by users trying to compare their SEO work with others or compare SEO tools to find the best tools.

Keyword research is done according to reports and statistics of user search history, to do a research you can do by using tools that are built for that purpose such as:

  • Wordtracker
  • Overture keyword suggestion
  • Google adwords Keyword suggestion tool
  • SEO Book Keyword suggestion
  • DigitalPoint keyword suggestion which offers a comparison between overture and wordtracker

these tools offers you keywords according to their popularity – all you have to do is enter the general topics and they would do the rest.

If you want to do it on your own without using these tools you can simply search your term on search engines and see the number of results to get an idea of its popularity and then look at your competitors and see the keywords they’ve placed in their titles, urls and even text.

Their are many keyword density tools that would help you achieve that, you can even use backlink watcher or other backlink tools to see the anchor text pointing to your competitors to see what they’re using to get their top search engine results.

SEO for wordpress

WordPress is by far the most advanced open source blog system and being that, it only makes since that it had turned to be the most popular blog system among webmasters and SEO experts.

WordPress can be fully customize in every way possible – from designs through file structure to SE friendly urls.

Everything is possible with wordpress, so how to make the best out of it?

Well these are the things you need to keep in mind when writing any page – Relevant title, use of correct HTML tags (including Alt text, Headings[H1,H2,H3….], Bold, Lists), inner linking and correct tags (categories).

How to do all these things with WordPress? Use the following manual!

  1. Choose a design
    1. Make sure your design includes all the elements you have planned for your blog.
    2. If you plan to put adsense code, affiliate banners or any other advertisements – make sure the wordpress design / template you choose have a space in a location that could convert well for you.
  2. Permalinks –> in the WP-Admin panel of wordpress under Options you’ll see a the tag “permalinks” – this tag will help you choose how they way the urls of your posts will show up – this effects the htaccess file of the wordpress. It is my recommendation that your put the name of your post in the url, as the title is probably your prefered keyword for that page. You can do that by simply putting /%postname%/ in the “Custom, specify below ” option.
  3. Update services – on every post you make wordpress can ping many services for you, notifying them on your post and by doing so giving your posts more exposure, more traffic and eventually more links – this is the most updated list I have if you have more services which do not appear here please comment and I will add them.
    My list:

  4. Comments – on the main bar under Options–>Discussion verify that “Before a comment appears:” – All 3 fields are checked to make sure no

SEO for blogs

Blogs are already well known for their benefits as far as Search Engine Optimization.

The get indexed much more frequently due to their frequent content update rate and thanks to the Web 2.0 social networks get high exposures and better traffic.

There are several big players in the Blog industry: Google with, WordPress – open source CMS for blogs & which is the most limited blog interface of them.

Both blogger & WordPress give access to the post and blog code so you can adjust the urls of the blog to be search engine friendly and costumize the inner links and have costum made templates applied on them.

The major advantage of WordPress over Blogger and any other blog CMS (Content Management System) is with its addons – The addons option that gives the advantage to Firefox with Firefox addons is what gives the advantage to WordPress over the others.

Link Market – IWebTool

Since Googles’ policy on buying and selling links is – DON’T, the only way for people to keep purchasing is hiding the fact that the links they have displayed in their site are purchased.

You can see for example many SEO Forums where if you want to sell a link, you write in your post to send a pm (personal message) for the url, so that way the url is not exposed for google to find that they’re selling links.

This is only the 1st step it takes for a link sale these days, but this alone is very important.

IWebTool had launched not too long ago their link market place where people can post the url, price and link location, but IWebTool guys forgot to hide this from Google, so that anyone that publishes their link sale in there is actually hurting his costumers, as their value will be removed once google is on to them.

Too bad, the idea is nice, but if it was only for members or somehow hidden it would be wiser.

Future Pagerank – SEOChat

Once it was one of the most popular tools to check if a PR update is occuring, but now after adding a feature that forces you to click through 3 pages and verify image until you finished browsing all 36 datacenters they present – In my opinion it’s a waste of time.

 SEO Chat are good at creating great seo tools and even their forum was once of my favorites – but 1 by 1 they rouine everything with all their security and fear of loosing PR.

 My vote here is to go visit

If you’re still interested this is the link –

DigPageRank – PR Update Checker

One of the fastest growing websites, as far as popularity within the SEO community, this Website is not so old.

 Started only at October 2006 with the sole target of showing websites PR (PageRank) in all known Google DataCenters.

Powered by ads (2 banner – 1 just added this week and many text links sold through DigitalPoint Link Sale forum, this site had gained even more popularity during this (August 2007) PageRank update, when the TBPR(Tool Bar Page Rank) Update is late to come.

The owner of this website has also the BackLink we’ve discussed earlier and he seems to understand that simple tools are a crowd pleasers and he is sticking with it.

 Looking forward to his next SEO Tool.

BackLink Watch

From the home of – brings a very simple and very useful back link check tool.

Backlink watch homepage shows a few ads and a “Enter URL” field. as simple as that.

Once a url is entered you will be directed to a page that will show you all the links in 1 table that will include each links anchor text, Google PR of the page, Number of OBL from that page and any special flag in that link (such as nofollow) – which is a feature most back link checkers and link popularity tools do not bother checking.

Very nice tool, very simple, only thing that annoys is that on many pages it does not recognise the anchor text and if it does not recognise that, it does not write PR, OBL or Flags. 

1 more thing if you’re working with IE load the page and continue what you were doing, because it will take a long time if you have more than 1000 IBL.

Statcounter increases log file

Well, another improvement in the fight between Google Analytics & Statcounter.

Statcounter had sent a mail and posted on their new blog a message to all members that from now on the log file with all the statistics will be 500 pageloads instead of 100 pageloads that were the standard free deal until today.

I worked fine with the 100, but it’s always nice to get another freebee.

To switch to 500 pageloads simply click on the wranch image near you project name & choose Adjust log file – Change to 500 and you’re ready to go.

Text Link Brokers

Text Link established on December 2003 with the direct intention of doing exactly what they do today – Sell Text Link to help improve search engine ranking positions.

On the homepage of Text Link Brokers you will find a quick link to their text link inventory including many authority & education sites. Link rates are a bit higher than you would find on other websites – but Text Link Brokers are assuring you that your link will not be placed on a page that has more than just a few out bound links and that its quality is not from the highest.

With personal attention to each site they review and approve to their inventory you can expect the best from this professional text links brokerage company.