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Hi all,

 This is not a tip, this is not a recommendation, if you’re dealing with SEO, Link Exchanges, Link Purchases and anything related do yourself and your partners a favor and avoid using Gmail.

 Using Gmail is like shouting in Googles Face: “WE’RE LINK EXCHANGING… WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT??!!” Well, they can do alot Google had already proved in the last several months that they’re not going to allow the link exchange and link brokerage markets continue.

Keep in mind that when you choose to use Gmail you choose to share your emails information with the most important factor in the SEO world – Google.

Use your Cpanels and create yourself a personal email account or even use Hotmail and Yahoo Mail as their Search Engines are less important than Google.

Email all of your friends & partners and ask them to make the change NOW.

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